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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Revealed: the toll of workplace exploitation in Scotland

This news post is over 8 years old

​Workers suffers while employers go on the offensive, says campaigning charity

Scotland’s workers are caught in cruel trap of low wages and poor working conditions, a new report claims.

Citizen’s Advice Scotland (CAS) says bullying and exploitation are rife in Scottish workplaces.

Its advisers have seen a 12% rise in the number of employment cases they have to deal with and are now at their highest level ever.

The most common cases include low pay, withheld wages, unfair dismissal, bullying, racism and discrimination.

In a report to the Scottish Parliament’s economy, energy and tourism committee, CAS said that workers’ rights are being ignored and new fees for employment tribunals are mean people on low incomes feel unable to challenge unfair treatment.

Employers are exploiting their workers and denying them basic rights

CAS spokesman Rob Gowans said: “What our report shows is the collected evidence of all the work-related cases that people have brought to the Scottish Citizen’s Advice Bureau services over the last few years.

“While we don’t give away the identities of any of our clients, our evidence shows real-life experience. There is a growing crisis of low pay and poor conditions in Scotland.

“Around half of Scots who are in poverty are actually working. This reflects the fact that the minimum wage is not in fact keeping up with inflation, and many of the benefits that are meant to supplement low wages are being cut.

“With wages falling in real terms, families are becoming trapped in poverty, less secure terms and working hours, and with basic employment rights becoming harder to enforce.

“The second part of the problem is that too many rogue employers are using this environment to exploit their workers, and deny them basic rights.

“The growth in zero-hours contracts has become a huge problem, which leaves thousands of Scots in huge financial uncertainty. And meanwhile it is becoming harder than ever to challenge unfair treatment.

“People deserve a fair wage and decent working conditions. We are calling for action by both the UK and Scottish governments to bring that about.”