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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Daily coronavirus roundup for third sector, Thursday 28 May

This feature is almost 5 years old

How the sector is responding to the crisis #NeverMoreNeeded

Commentator praises stealthy pooch

BBC sports commentator Andrew Cotter, who has been entertaining his followers through lockdown with videos of his own dogs Olive and Mabel, has created his latest video for a good cause - in partnership with Dogs for Good.

UK-wide charity Dogs for Good launched its #WinningFromHome competition three weeks ago which asked entrants to post a video, on Twitter, of their own companion dog during lockdown.

The campaign has sought to highlight the power of our four-legged friends, celebrating why we are a nation of dog lovers.

The winning video shows one-year-old Cavapoo, Nala, as she attempts to catch a bird in the garden, and Andrew describes her as having “the stealth of a sofa moving across the lawn.”

Dogs for Good creates life-changing differences for people living with a wide range of disabilities and conditions including autism, physical disabilities, dementia and learning disabilities through the help of specially trained dogs. The charity’s assistance dogs and community dogs enable people to live more independently.

The charity relies upon public donations to continue its work, and so benefitted from hundreds of entrants to the competition making a £2 donation. Indeed, many generously donated significantly more -over £1,000 has been raised to date.

New charity lottery launched

A new charity lottery has been launched to raise vital income for good causes.

Lottoland, has launched its first charity focused lotto in the UK, where 20p of every pound bet will be donated to four charities - the British Red Cross, Hospice UK, Keep Britain Tidy, and The Marine Conservation Society.

Each bet on the Win-Win Charity Lotto will cost £1 and the jackpot will be fixed at £250,000 for every draw. The game format and results will be based on the popular French Lotto, with draws taking place every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

For more information, visit the Lottoland website.

Fund pledges to continue support

The RAF Benevolent Fund is continuing to support veterans and personnel amid the Covid-19 crisis.

In the first two months of the lockdown, the fund awarded more than £2.6m in grants to RAF veterans, serving personnel and their families.

It has also produced a Covid-19 Resources and Information page on its website to signpost the different services available to members of the RAF Family throughout the coronavirus pandemic and beyond. For more information, visit the fund's website.