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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Goodmovers | Who got a new job this week | 30 January 2015

This list is over 9 years old

Find out who has a new job in the third sector in our Goodmovers round-up

Abeer Macintyre

Abeer Macintyre

Former BBC broadcaster Abeer Macintyre has been appointed managing director of Stirling based third sector strategic recruitment and consultancy agency Bruce Tait Associates. Abeer enjoyed a 20 year career as a broadcast journalist working on and presenting numerous news and current affairs programmes on radio and television for BBC Scotland. After leaving the BBC, she enjoyed working as head of supporter care for Mary’s Meals, strategic head of fundraising for NSPCC Scotland and director of development at Children in Scotland.

Kavita Chetty

Kavita Chetty

The Scottish Human Rights Commission has appointed Kavita Chetty as its new head of strategy and legal. With a background in human rights law, Kavita joined the Scottish Human Rights Commission in 2009 as legal officer. She designed and delivered the highly successfulCare About Rights project. She also led the commission’s work to pilot and develop integrated Equality and Human Rights Impact Assessments. Kavita takes up her post in March 2015.

Sandra Wilson

Sandra Wilson

Sight loss charity the Royal National Institute of Blind People Scotland has appointed Sandra Wilson as its new chair. Sandra,who has been blind since birth, follows on from previous chair Ken Reid. Originally from Glasgow, she moved to Fife in 1978 and worked as a careers adviser and at Fife Adult Guidance Service, before becoming development co-ordinator for Fife Employability Network. She joined RNIB shortly before she retired in 2011 and for the last three years has been on its Scotland Committee.

Stuart Robertson

Stuart Robertson

Housing charity Rowan Alba has appointed Stuart Robertson as its interim chief executive. Stuart will be leading the organisation until July while chief executive Helen Carlin is on an external work assignment. Stuart started his career in social services, in the recruitment and training department of a large local authority, before a move led him to spend 15 years working in the field of alcohol and drugs in both local and regional services. In 2007 he moved to work in the voluntary sector and has held a number of senior posts across a range of organisations.