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The voice of Scotland’s vibrant voluntary sector

Published by Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

TFN is published by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh, EH3 6BB. The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Registration number SC003558.

Huge fundraising effort saves charity farm

This news post is almost 9 years old

​Charity farm is saved - but more fundraising is planned to secure its future

A huge fundraising effort to save a charity farm has raised £100,000 in just six weeks.

Gorgie City Farm in Edinburgh has served the community for 38 years, but has recently been hit by a loss of funding and a hike in running costs.

Its recent financial woes have forced the closure of its café – and there have been fears it may go to the wall.

However, a fantastic fundraising effort - ranging from toddlers giving the contents of their piggy banks to a donation from a major investment bank - has seen the cash flood in.

I’ve been overwhelmed and amazed at the support the people of Edinburgh have given to the farm

However, although it now has breathing space, more fundraising is planned to secure its future.

An autumn harvest festival is being planned to thank the community for their support and local music acts are arranging a fundraising gig – called Livestock – at The Cowshed in Edinburgh’s Cowgate on Sunday, 31 July.

Josiah Lockhart, general manager, said: “I’ve been overwhelmed and amazed at the support the people of Edinburgh have given to the farm.

“Achieving the goal of raising £100,000 ultimately helps stabilize the farm and allows us space to implement a strategy and plan to keep the farm open well into the future.”

Gorgie City Farm works with over 100 volunteers every week through training, work experience, social opportunities and personal support.

The majority of volunteers are people with support needs, with long waiting lists to join. The farm also supports young teenagers from disadvantaged backgrounds, providing them with support and practical education they would not find elsewhere

To donate to save Gorgie City Farm, text FARM44 £5 to 70070, visit here or send a cheque to Gorgie City Farm, 51 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, EH11 2LA.